Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This is my first year celebrating the Christmas Season with an actual job and I have already noticed..."I'm not in Kansas anymore...". During college I was out of school and had a break from the first week in December until the second week in January. It was just enough time to Christmas shop, bake and spend time with friends.

Here in the 'real world', I get one day off. Just one! I will rush home Friday after work, along with the rest of Atlanta traffic, and make it just in time to spend 3 days with my family and then turn right back around. I know everyone working is doing the same thing, and I am thankful for any time off, but it is a real culture shock. I have always had a long break until now and this short condensed Christmas makes it seem not as fun. Shopping has been rushed and during lunch breaks, no baking, wrapping presents after a long day at work, it's exhausting! I love Christmas but this year, especially with the warm weather, just has not seemed like Christmas to me. Maybe in the next few days when it cools off it will being to feel more like it.

Although the shopping has been rushed, I really do enjoy buying my family and friends presents with my own money. It feels good to buy people things they will enjoy with the money you worked for. I can't wait to let my family unwrap their presents on Christmas morning, there will be a lot of good surprises :)

It feels like life is going by so much quicker now that I have a job and am on my own. I just want it to slow down so I can enjoy this time in my life. I am excited and thankful for my three days off and look forward to celebrating our Savior's birth with my family. It is a very wonderful time of the year and we have so much to be thankful for.

Merry Christmas to all!